Kamala Harris’ secret weapon

When Kamala Harris speaks — the American people listen. Harris has been speaking a lot lately. Turn on any TV, and you’ll usually find political snippets of Harris talking to this podcast, that news show, and so on. The other day, she appeared on Stephen Colbert — and the crowd was ecstatic to see her.

Chanting her name over and over, the crowd was in their element — as was Kamala Harris. Harris came out against the GOP’s politicization of the hurricane relief efforts, saying they’re spreading lies and that these lies are cynical and corrupt. The crowd cheered.

Harris said the idea that Trump or ANY politician would try to score political talking points using a deadly storm is simply anathema to her. Harris has been talking a lot lately about empathy. She questions whether Donald Trump has any. We know that he does not. But it isn’t just him. There are so many little Donald helpers who are helping him spread his beastly lies, which goes to show that where there’s one sociopath, there are usually others nipping at his heels.

Empathy. The warmth and glow that empathy can bring are precious. Sometimes—many times—when we’re experiencing problems in life, empathy from others is our comfort blanket, enveloping us, cocooning us, letting us know that others simply get us and stand WITH us, in both bad times and good.

Isn’t that, after all, what we need from our leaders? Over and over and over again, Harris is showing she’s got it. She’s got empathy, which, in this writer’s opinion, is one of life’s richest minerals. No leader can genuinely be a good leader without empathy.

So as Kamala is being cheered by audiences, not just on the Colbert show but EVERYWHERE, the wicked one, the one who HAS no empathy, is locked up in the soulless prison that his head, off to the side, spinning a blender of lies, demonstrating daily that empathy is a foreign word to him, one which he will never be able to understand. Donate now

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