Kamala Harris just upended Donald Trump

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The GOP is still desperately floundering as they try to come up with an effective counterattack against Kamala Harris. It’s bad enough that their nominee is a demented criminal that rambles about whatever comes into his head, but their base is divorced from reality in a way that’s really just plain weird: rambling about inane conspiracies and rambling about banning books – the things that are very off-putting to any voter that up to now was largely just sitting on the fence.

One obvious problem was coming up with an attack that isn’t steeped in racism and misogyny – harder than it sounds because those two things are really the lifeblood of the modern GOP. Most of their politicians came to power on both of those things. They’ve also been trying the angle that she’s a tough boss, but that generally makes her more decisive and appealing to the average voter. Their best bet was still dipping into xenophobia and anti-immigration sentiment by going after the vice president on the border, since it could still look like a good political attack.

At least it did until now. Just before her Atlanta rally, the Harris campaign dropped a new video that’s straight and to the point about the crisis at the southern border – and it forces the GOP to take a defensive position. The Biden-Harris administration actually proposed increasing the number of border patrol agents and investing in technology that would block fentanyl being smuggled over the border.

Donald Trump, out of a desire to just have a crisis to run on, decided to block it when he ordered congressional Republicans to kill President Biden’s border bill. At the Atlanta rally, Vice President Harris vowed to sign the bill (with sizable bipartisan support) into law when she becomes president – which makes it very clear. Those who actually care about this issue should elect Kamala Harris on Nov 5 along with a Democratic Senate and House.

ALERT: Palmer Report has led the way in political analysis for years. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. We've launched a GoFundMe so you can help us to help you. Help Palmer Report fight and win political battles by donating any amount from $5 to $500, depending on your budget. Donate here.