Kamala Harris expands her national lead over Trump in two post-debate polls

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Recently I wrote that while it was obvious Kamala Harris won the debate, we would have to wait a bit before we could see how it would impact her existing lead over Donald Trump. She started the week with a four point lead over Trump in the national polling averages, but what would things look like by the end of the week?

We still don’t have the full picture. Far from it. But now we do have two data points. Reuters and Morning Consult have both released post-debate national polls, and they both have Kamala Harris ahead by five points over Trump. This is notable because they each had Harris just three points ahead of Trump before the debate. In other words, the debate has given Harris a two point boost in both of these polls.

If this pattern holds, which is to say that if other post-debate polls also show Harris having gained two points, then her four point national lead will become a six point national lead. We should know by perhaps Monday. Then we’ll have to wait and see if the momentum from the debate victory causes Harris’ lead to continue to grow for awhile, or if this was just a one-time bump.

But as I like to say, let’s not wait to find out. Now is the ideal time to put in your zip code on Kamala Harris’ campaign website and see what events there are in your area. Instead of waiting for numbers, let’s get involved and help Kamala run up the score.

ALERT: Palmer Report has led the way in political analysis for years. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. We've launched a GoFundMe so you can help us to help you. Help Palmer Report fight and win political battles by donating any amount from $5 to $500, depending on your budget. Donate here.