Kamala Harris campaign slams “unhinged” Donald Trump

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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How many times has Palmer report referred to Donald Trump as “unhinged” over the years? That’s because it’s an objectively true statement. Trump is mentally deranged, in too many ways to count.

Now the Kamala Harris campaign is flat out calling Trump “unhinged” as well:

We love how much the Kamala Harris campaign is starting to sound like Palmer Report!

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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