Kamala Harris absolutely nails Fox News interview

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Vice President Kamala Harris appeared on Fox News today for an interview with host Bret Baier. Donald Trump and his people knew that Harris would likely do well, which is why they tried to portray Baier as some kind of softy beforehand. But Baier instead tried every “gotcha” angle in the book โ€“ and Harris managed to overcome all of it.

Baier kept quickly interrupting Harris before she could get off a complete answer, but Harris started pushing back and insisting upon being able to give her full answers. Baier was also clearly hoping to get under Harris’ skin so that she would interrupt him in too “rude” or “aggressive” of a manner, so that Fox could then turn that into some kind of negative stereotype about her. But Harris avoided that trap as well.

Baier even tried to bait Harris by asking if she thinks half the country is “stupid.” Harris retorted that she would never say such a thing about the American people. Then she pointed out that it’s Trump who routinely uses his rallies to attack and insult those Americans who don’t support him.

By all accounts Kamala Harris thoroughly nailed this interview. It gave her an opportunity to speak directly to Fox News viewers, who up to now have only ever heard her portrayed as some kind of cartoon monster. It’s not that she’s going to win over many Fox viewers. But if her interview today won over even a tiny fraction of them, that can be the difference in an election. Harris’ strong performance may also have convinced a few Fox viewers to just stay home on election day and let her win, rather than voting for an increasingly senile and unhinged Trump. This interview was a big win for Harris.

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