Donald Trump just doesn’t get it

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

People with sense can adjust their behavior while considering many things and situations, especially during a pandemic crisis. There are people with sense and there is “president” Donald Trump. He is not only a hate-filled, ridiculous man, but he’s an evil, dangerous projectionist.

Coronavirus is just that: a virus. It knows no color, age, social standing, sexual orientation, or politics. Trump is supposed to be representing our country and helping to alleviate the fears of the country’s citizens. Instead, he exacerbates our fears. He continues to be an incompetent, worldwide embarrassment, as reflected in a piece by the BBC, with his continued lies, attacks, and non-action.

His latest object of scorn is Governor Andrew Cuomo and the entire state of New York. Likely, Trump is embarrassed by Cuomo’s actions in trying to help his citizens while Trump continues to lie and make up things. All results to date of the spread of this virus make up Trump’s bed. It’s time for him to lie in it.

Governor Cuomo has asked for 30,000 to 40,000 ventilators as well as additional facilities to help the people of New York, which is an epicenter for the virus. Trump, going to his favorite faux news host, Sean Hannity, disputed this. He continues to display his ignorance with such words as: “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals sometimes, they have two ventilators. And now all of a sudden they’re saying can we order 30,000 ventilators?”

Every time he opens his mouth, Trump merely reminds us just how clueless he is and how ill-equipped he is to be heading up a pandemic. Think about it: Maybe they did have two ventilators before, but we’re in the midst of a pandemic. Anyone with common sense knows that means you need more, but again, we’re talking about “president” Donald Trump, who has no common sense or any other sense for that matter.

Instead of focusing on this virus, he’s now threatening TV networks over an ad being run by a Super PAC that is supporting Joe Biden. His threat has caused the video to be viewed by far more people online than would otherwise have seen it, and the PAC has now doubled down in sheer defiance, according to the Hill. Poor stupid Trump doesn’t even see that he makes things worse for himself by behaving like this. The problem with the ad is that it tells the truth, something which is completely foreign to Trump and something that annoys him to no end. Here’s a suggestion for you, “president” Trump: Stop lying. This ad would not even exist were it not for Trump’s repeated lies that have led to a steady increase in coronavirus cases.

If you are a praying person, it’s time to pray. Pray for those we have lost, pray for those who can’t get the care they need, and most importantly, pray that Trump gets kicked out of office in November. Trump can try, but he can’t stop the election and his long-awaited demise. We need someone in office who can rise to the occasion of a pandemic like coronavirus, and Trump ain’t it.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can