Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Voting is a sacred right. It is a precious gift to America. And yet so many people do not vote. It fills this writer with deep sadness to think of it. And some — even on our side — just do not want to vote. This is for a variety of very different reasons. But one reason is selfishness. Some complain Democrats have not done enough.

I get worried about this talk. I worry because some people have a “me” mentality. There is nothing wrong with thinking about oneself when voting — of course, there isn’t. But it is not just about one person. Do you ever feel a sliver of delight when voting? You know the feeling. You almost hope the time stands still.

You want to drag your time out as long as possible when at the polls. I understand that feeling. I have had it myself. But many do not get it. And it’s up to us to explain to those people. Or perhaps they just need a reminder.

Perhaps they have never experienced that bountiful feeling of utter exuberance when pulling the lever, writing down your candidate, or however you vote. Voting is not just about any one person. And that is why we all get that feeling — that feeling of mightiness.

When we vote — we cast it for causes bigger than ourselves. Allow me to elaborate. When I cast my vote for a democrat, I do it for the workers — the workers who make minimum wage and look to the Democrats to help them find a livable wage. When I cast my vote for A Democrat, I am casting it for women — all women — whose rights are under attack — and who soon may not have many rights — if the GOP wins.

When I cast my vote, I am voting for all the children. The children who were tragically lost to us by gun violence — and the future children who might be lost to us — but whom we can possibly save with our votes. This is why we have that feeling — of euphoria. We are free, in a free world, saving lives with our voices and votes. How could anyone turn down such a beautiful gift as that?

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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