Judge strikes down Donald Trump’s last minute desperation move, and Trump is now running out of time

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How scared is Donald Trump that the January 6th Committee will get his records from the National Archives? Late last night his lawyers sent a frenzied response to the judge in the case, without realizing the judge hadn’t even ruled yet. But this evening the judge did rule – and it’s bad news for Trump.

Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan has now formally declined Trump’s request for an emergency injunction which would have blocked the National Archives from turning over the evidence, according to multiple major news outlets. This is crucial because of the timing.

The National Archives has already said it’ll turn over the evidence this Friday unless it’s ordered not to. Trump is now left scrambling to try to quickly file an appeal, in the hope that an Appeals Court will step in and issue an injunction. But Trump is now running out of time, and last night made clear that his lawyers are already in too frazzled of a panic to be making their best legal arguments. Trump’s odds of winning this fight are dwindling. Friday is 72 hours away. Tick Tock.

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