Judge Merchan’s ruling may have been a gift in disguise

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I want to speak about Judge Juan Merchan’s decision to delay the sentencing of Donald Trump. Many of you were disappointed. So was this writer — at first. When the news first hit, I saw much hand wringing, and I get that. But here are a few things to consider: It might be a GOOD thing. It might benefit us a great deal.

Some of you may not agree with me, and that’s fine. Everyone has the right to political opinions. But please hear me out because I’ve changed my mind. This writer thinks it’s a GREAT thing that the sentencing is delayed. First — as Bill Palmer explained — this likely DOES mean that his Honor will send him to prison or home confinement. Many legal minds are also weighing in and saying the same thing. Joyce Vance said that if Merchan had NOT delayed it, another court may have.

Glenn Kirschner ALSO said this was a good thing; he thinks Merchan intends to sentence him to prison. But there is something ELSE that has caused me to change my mind, and it’s important. So, let’s look at what would have happened if the sentencing had gone on as planned.

Maga would have been enraged. They might have banded together. Enthusiasm on the red side is not as high as on our side, but undoubtedly, it would have risen with the sentencing. The second reason is very important. If Trump were sentenced, it would be over in a flash—there would be nothing to savor. It might be in the news for a week, and everyone would move on.

Not now. Trump’s sentencing looms over him like a wickedly cackling raven, allowing us (and the Harris team) to use it. You see, this sentencing will be in the election news this month and next month. Perhaps Kamala will bring it up at the debate, explaining to people that mere weeks after the election, Trump might be led away in handcuffs.

Perhaps memes of orange jumpsuits will go viral as everyone waits in breathless anticipation. See, this adds ENTHUSIASM to OUR numbers. Think of it as a Christmas present. The sentencing is a gift-wrapped present, snugly sitting under the Court Christmas Tree, all lit up and sparking,WAITING for the election to be over so we can all unwrap it together.

So yes — I am now THRILLED about this. I wasn’t when I initially heard. But justice and politics work in strange ways, my friends. And no matter what, this gift that waits silently can only hurt Trump, not help him.

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