Judge Merchan calls out Donald Trump’s defense attorney as closing arguments go into the evening

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The prosecution is still presenting its closing argument into the evening, and attempting to get the whole thing wrapped up before the end of the day. Donald Trump‘s defense team’s closing argument has already come and gone, and was about as ineffective as expected, while also being quite lifeless. But there was one moment where Trump attorney Todd Blanche tried to score some cheap points – and got caught.

At one point Blanche said the jurors should think twice before they “send a man to prison.” This prompted Judge Juan Merchan to pull Blanche aside and call him out for it. The judge pointed out that Blanche knows better than to try to slip something like that in.

So why does this matter? It’s a good reminder that even though Donald Trump obviously wants his attorneys to use this kind of over the top rhetoric with all its veiled implications, the reality is that no one gets to do that in a court of law. Trump is, simply put, losing.

Meanwhile the prosecution’s closing argument has resumed and will go into the evening. After that all that will be left is for the case to go to the jury for a verdict.

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