Judge cracks down on Mike Lindell

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Things are most definitely not going Mike Lindell’s way. The MyPillow CEO might have a rough night of sleep ahead — fluffy pillows notwithstanding. This is because a Judge has ruled against him — saying some of his claims about Smartmatic are “frivolous.” Oh, dear. Not good news for the erratic CEO.

“The court agrees with Smartmatic that Lindell has asserted at least some groundless claims,” the Judge said. Lindell has been ordered to pay some of the legal fees of Smartmatic. And that is not all. The Judge dismissed the litigation against Smartmatic and Dominion voting systems and Hamilton place.

Lindell did not take the news well, and that’s putting it mildly. “Whatever the judge thinks, that’s his opinion,” Lindell said. Then he added this: “I’ve got lawyers doing more important things like removing these machines from every state.”

Sigh. Believe it or not, Lindell is one of those people I can’t even get that upset at. This is because I believe he is insane. Lindell’s problem is that he might actually be one of the few who believes his own words — that in itself is pretty frightening.

Mike Lindell is a sad study in human tragedy. This was a man who actually made something of himself. He was a successful person with a successful company. And now that’s all turned to ash. Can he be the Phoenix rising from the ashes of his own destruction? I, for one, doubt that.

For Lindell to get out of the mess he’s in, he would first have to acknowledge it’s a mess at all. And he can’t seem to do that. So perhaps he’s doomed himself. At the end of the day, he is just another one who has fallen into the spell cast by Maga — and nobody seems to have a key toward reversing it.

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