Judge Aileen Cannon just stepped in it

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Judge Aileen Cannon has denied Jack Smith’s request for a partial gag order on Donald Trump to keep him from putting the lives of police officers and FBI agents in Jeopardy. In her order, Judge Cannon scolds Jack Smith for not properly conferring with Donald Trump‘s defense team, and giving them more politeness and courtesy

She also threatens to hold him in contempt of court if he does it again. However, she did dismiss the motion without prejudice, which basically means he can bring the motion again, but he must be polite to Trump’s defense team, and meet with them, and give them courtesy, and be respectful and kind.

If you think you’re catching sarcasm in my voice, that’s because you are. Judge Cannon is really stupid. Now, why do you suppose Jack Smith asked for this in the first place? He surely knew the motion would be denied.

I say it’s because Jack Smith is baiting the trap for her. Many attorneys think that Jack Smith is laying the groundwork for the 11th circuit to step in and remove her from the case. I know many are wondering why he hasn’t already gone to the 11th circuit.

There’s an easy answer for that. The fact is it is really difficult, as difficult as it can possibly be to remove a federal judge from a case.

It simply doesn’t happen that much. Brilliant legal mind. Neal Katyal has spoken about this. The fact is that though Judge Cannon has indefinitely delayed the trial, that is not grounds alone for going to the 11th circuit.

However, putting the lives of law-enforcement agents just might be. Judge Cannon is indeed pathetic. Hopefully when Jack Smith gets done with her, she’ll be off the case for good.

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