Hey Donald Trump Jr, here’s your wake up call
Dear Donald Trump Jr – I know we don’t have the best relationship. You blocked me on Twitter long ago because you don’t like the articles I’ve written about your scandals and idiocy, which is understandable. But I’m going to offer you a piece of advice that might help you when it comes to the situation you’re about to face, which is such an ugly one, I wouldn’t even wish it on you. So listen up, Junior, I’m going to help you out here.
Here’s my advice, Don Junior. Take a look at what’s playing out right now with your father and Michael Cohen. You know better than anyone how loyal Cohen has been to your dad over the years. You’ve seen Cohen bail your dad out of one ridiculous jam after another, exposing himself to financial stress and criminal liability just to save your dad’s hide. Now go take a look at your dad’s Twitter feed, and try to find the part where he’s actually defended Cohen in the two weeks since the FBI raid took place.
I’ll save you some time. You won’t find it. Your dad has incessantly whined about how the raid against Michael Cohen was a violation of attorney-client privilege, but that’s only because your dad is worried that the raid is a problem for himself. Nowhere has Trump Senior asserted that Cohen is innocent, or bothered to defend him. That’s because your father has already decided that if he has to sacrifice Cohen in order to survive just a little bit longer, he’ll wince for ten seconds and then do it.
Here’s the thing, Junior: it’s often been said that Michael Cohen is like a son to your father. Take a look at how well that’s working out for Cohen now that the Feds are busting down his door and he’s about to get hit with the kinds of criminal charges that could put him in prison for life. There’s a reason so many people close to the situation are telling the media that they think Michael Cohen is going to cut a plea deal: they know your father isn’t going to lift a finger to save him, and Cohen is going to figure that out soon as well, if he hasn’t already.
So the advice I’m giving you, Donald Trump Jr, is to learn something from how your father is doing Michael Cohen wrong. You may not think he’s going to throw you under the same bus when the time comes. But then again, you didn’t think he was going to throw his other “son” Michael under the bus either, and now you can see differently. Cut a plea deal against your father, Junior. Save yourself. Do a minimal prison sentence, and then get out and live your life however you want to. You have kids to raise when you get out. The old man isn’t going to save you. Whether you want to admit that or not, you know it’s true. Cut a deal, Junior, while there’s still a good deal to be had.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report