Donald Trump Jr cracks under the pressure, has deranged meltdown about Nazis

It’s becoming more clear by the day that Donald Trump signed off on Donald Trump Jr’s meeting with the Russians during the election, and that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has Trump nailed for it. That’s such a jolting development, it’s overshadowed the fact that this also means Mueller has Junior nailed. One might think Junior would take this as a sign that it’s good time to vanish for awhile. Instead, Junior is very publicly going off the deep end – and it involves Nazis.
Over the past year or so, Donald Trump Jr has used his Twitter account to promote increasingly deranged and obviously false conspiracy theories about American politics, to the point that he might as well have put on a tinfoil hat and begun yelling around about lizard people. Naturally, all of these phony conspiracies have positioned Donald Trump as the victim. It’s never been entirely clear if this has been an act on his part aimed at helping out his father, or he truly believes the mentally ill things that he tweets.
In any case, Trump Jr has now decided to take things much further. He did an interview with alt-right “pizzagate” conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec. Here’s what Junior had to say: “You see the Nazi platform in the early 1930s and what was actually put out there … and you look at it compared to like the DNC platform of today, and you’re saying, man, those things are awfully similar, to a point where it’s actually scary.”
That’s right, Donald Trump Jr is now literally comparing the Democratic Party to Nazi Germany. Based on what? Nothing at all, of course. Nevermind that his father Donald Trump has publicly praised American Nazis, and that those same Nazis support his father in droves. In Trump Jr’s fully shattered mind, his father’s opponents are somehow the Nazis. Either Junior is cracking under the pressure to the point that he’s going to end up in a rubber room, or he’s doing an incredible acting job of pretending to be too mentally incompetent to stand trial.