Donald Trump Jr still doesn’t get how screwed he is

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How obvious is it that Donald Trump Jr is going to prison? Just ask Stephen Colbert, who quipped last night that Junior will be the next after Roger Stone to get an early morning knock on his door. And if you don’t want to take a late night host’s word for it, just ask Donald Trump, who went berserk last night immediately after Senator Richard Blumenthal revealed that Junior has been nailed for perjury. Just don’t ask Donald Trump Jr, who doesn’t seem to get it – at all.

Former Senator Jeff Flake announced today that he won’t run for president in 2020. This came as no surprise. Flake is inoffensive and seems like a decent fellow, but he’s a pushover who isn’t particularly popular with anyone. But Donald Trump Jr seemed to think it was a big victory that Flake won’t be running against his dad in 2020, as if his dad is still going to be around to run in 2020.

Trump Jr posted this sarcastically idiotic tweet: “Shocked that Jeff flake who wouldn’t have come close to winning his home district isn’t going to run for president. I thought he was a real contender. Maybe try for dog catcher!” No really, this is how Junior is spending his time. He’s clinging to the desperate delusion that his family’s treason scandal is all going to magically work out, that his father will be running for reelection in 2020 instead of being in prison, and that he’s somehow going to skate on the numerous criminal charges he’s facing in his own right.

Even if Donald Trump somehow pulled off pardoning Donald Trump Jr on federal charges, it would take all of five minutes for New York to hit him with state-level charges that cannot be pardoned by the president. Junior is going to prison, and the only remaining question is whether the wide range of felony convictions will be enough to land him in prison for the rest of his life, or whether he might get out in his old age. Just don’t tell him that; he’s too busy picking fights with Jeff Flake. Nobody likes Flake, but at least he didn’t commit treason.

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