Donald Trump Jr just got destroyed

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We keep seeing over and over again that Donald Trump Jr is one of those dumb people who has such difficulty understanding what the smart people around him are saying and doing, he thinks it means they’re they dummies, and he’s the only smart one. The guy loses every battle of wits he gets into, and yet he just doesn’t have the sense to shut up and go away.

We saw that again on Monday when Donald Trump Jr continued to try to get somewhere with the dead-end narrative about Nancy Pelosi’s hair. He tweeted this: “A woman who is third in line to the nuclear codes is saying she was duped by a hair salon… Let that sink in!!!”

You can see the ways in which Donald Trump Jr went wrong here. Congressman Eric Swalwell quickly fired back at him, tweeting “First, lay off the ‘lines.’ And, the Speaker of the House is second in line, you nitwit.”

That’s right, Donald Trump Jr just set himself up for a zinger about the “lines” he was seemingly doing before his frantically crazed Republican National Convention speech. Also, if you’re going to chastise someone based on their position in the line of succession, it helps to know what their position in the line of succession actually is.

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