Donald Trump Jr tries to politicize White House Easter event for kids, and it backfires on him spectacularly

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

It turns out Donald Trump Jr doesn’t know when to lay low, or how to behave when he surfaces at inopportune times. Shortly after his wife filed for divorce amid the revelation that he’d had an affair with a Celebrity Apprentice contestant, Junior decided to show up at the White House Easter Egg Roll, an event for children. We would have given him the benefit of the doubt that he simply wanted to be there for his own kids, if not for how he tried to politicize the event.

Donald Trump Jr decided it would be a good idea to wear a “Deplorable” pin as part of his Easter Egg Roll attire, according to Us Magazine. It was bad enough that he was making such a divisive political statement at a children’s holiday event. The startling part is that politicizing children’s holidays is supposedly part of what prompted his wife to leave him.

Back when celebrity site Page Six first reported that Vanessa Trump was filing for divorce, the article cited Donald Trump Jr’s Halloween antics as one of the reasons why Vanessa had concluded that his behavior was taking a turn for the worse. Prior to this, Palmer Report documented the incident in question, in which Trump Jr had tried to politicize his young daughter on Halloween in a misguided statement about socialism. It turned out Vanessa apparently found it as unnerving as we did.

We’ll say this for Donald Trump Jr: at least he’s consistent with his stupidity. He faced immediate and widespread backlash across social media for his attempt at dragging kids into his politicization of Halloween, and now he’s receiving similar backlash for his attempt at dragging kids into his politicization of Easter. We can’t wait to see what he comes up with for the Fourth of July, if he’s not already in prison by then.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer