Donald Trump Jr cries out for help in the dark

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Last month Donald Trump Jr leaked that he was taking over the RNC, and even though that was a laughably impossible scenario, for some reason the media ran with it as if it were a real possibility.

Now that particular fantasy has faded, and Don Jr is downgrading his fantasy to merely taking over the NRA. It’s difficult to imagine how that could happen either, considering 1) the NRA is a bankrupt entity that’s in the process of being dismantled by state investigators, and 2) even the NRA probably wouldn’t want such an inept and troubled loser in charge. Yet the media is once again running with this notion as if it were real.

The media keeps painting these leaks as evidence the Trump family’s “lasting influence” in the conservative world. That’s because while most of the media is relieved that Trump lost the election and therefore can’t spend another four years burning down the country, the media is still hoping that Trump and his family stick around in some sideshow manner that’s good for ratings.

The Trumps, facing the specter of bankruptcy and prison, are just fantasizing out loud about finding a soft landing. It’s the usual denial we see from people whose lives are being dismantled and aren’t ready to admit it to themselves. But the media keeps propping up these fantasies, because, hey, ratings. Meanwhile Don Jr is merely crying out for help in the dark. If he thought there was still going to be a Trump Organization for him to have a job at, he wouldn’t be fantasizing about finding some new job.

We need to raise $2,081 to keep the fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.