John Roberts is out to lunch

Imagine life was found on Mars. Yes. Life was found, but the catch was that the beings inhabiting Mars could not communicate with us. They did not speak our languages, could not understand anything we tried to say, and could not even hold a minute’s conversation with us. We โ€” and the beings of Mars โ€” were so far apart that we could not hear each other at all. That very prospect has happened on planet Earth.

It’s being reported that Extreme Justice John Roberts is “shocked” and stunned that the American people are so furious at him because of his Trump ruling of immunity. Roberts has reportedly been “in distress” lately as he didn’t expect the cold reception from his ruling that he is now getting. As a result, many say, Roberts has been holed up in his safe space, not making speeches as he often does, ruminating about the dislike coming his way, and many close to him describe him as “weary.”

So yes, we are from Earth, and John Roberts and his five court buddies are definitely from Mars. It is hard for this writer to believe that Justice Roberts is so enclosed in the conclave of his private extreme court assembly, that he’d no idea of the visceral dislike he’d generate with this most laughable and pathetic ruling.

Fewer than half of this country express approval of the extreme court. Could it really be that Justice Roberts does not understand why? Talk about being in a silo! Roberts seems to have yet to learn who the people he is supposed to represent are. He is at the top of the heap in human denial, and that heap stinks to high heaven.

So yes, we have a brooding chief justice on our hands if these reports are to be believed. I feel not one iota of pity. Because if John Roberts can’t even be bothered to UNDERSTAND us, who we are, and what justice means to us, he deserves everything he is getting, deserves to spin alone in outer space, as he gazes at the people he swore to represent and tries to figure out how to communicate with any of them. Donate now

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