Donald Trump goes completely berserk, begins attacking General John Kelly

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Last night General James Mattis sharply criticized his former boss Donald Trump for being unfit and deranged. In response, Trump insisted that he fired Mattis as Secretary of Defense, when in reality Mattis resigned in protest. Today, General John Kelly – who was Trump’s White House Chief of Staff at the time – confirmed that Mattis resigned, and suggested that Trump was “confused” about what really happened.

It turns out that minor tepid bit of pushback from General Kelly has enraged Donald Trump, who posted this screen on Twitter just now: “John Kelly didn’t know I was going to fire James Mattis, nor did he have any knowledge of my asking for a letter of resignation. Why would I tell him, he was not in my inner-circle, was totally exhausted by the job, and in the end just slinked away into obscurity. They all want to come back for a piece of the limelight!”

It’s an utterly absurd notion that John Kelly, in his position as Chief of Staff, wouldn’t know whether the Secretary of Defense resigned in protest or was fired. Yet here Trump is viciously attacking yet another retired General, at a time when he’s teetering on the verge of potentially losing control of the military.

Donald Trump’s behavior just keeps growing more unhinged and more self-defeating. At least some conservative voters with an affinity for the military have got to be looking at Trump’s abuse of the Generals and wondering whether they can make themselves vote for this idiot again or not.

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