John Bolton gets burned on Christmas

John Bolton witnessed what he categorized as criminal behavior on the part of Donald Trump, yet Bolton is still refusing to show up and testify about it in the impeachment process. Bolton’s refusal to do his patriotic (and legal) duty has brought him all kinds of pushback – particularly seeing as how he appears to be trying to drag things out until his Trump tell-all book is ready for publication, so he can cash in.
John Bolton posted this seemingly innocuous tweet today: “Merry Christmas to all from Nashville!” The trouble of course is that Americans are so fed up with the games that Bolton is playing with impeachment, they quickly flooded his Christmas tweet with negative replies.
Bolton got blasted with replies like “You have betrayed the constitution” and “Testify and be a patriot. Put country before money.” Twitter user @chipgoines replied, “Here’s your christmas ratio, Ambassador. Now testify before Congress.” That’s in reference to the fact that Bolton’s Christmas tweet got nearly as many negative replies as it got likes, and in fact the negative comments outpaced the retweets by an eight to one ratio.
It’s not clear who John Bolton thinks he’s going to sell his upcoming anti-Trump book to. If Bolton doesn’t testify during the impeachment process, anti-Trump Americans are going to be so angry at him, they’re going to boycott his book – and they’re the ones who would have been most likely to buy it. Whatever Bolton is doing here, it’s about as idiotic as any political decision Bolton has ever made over the years.