Donald Trump just had another “John Barron” moment

Donald Trump has always lived in a deranged fantasy world. During his illegitimate presidency, his delusional nature and lack of self awareness have become painfully clear. During the the coronavirus crisis, it’s become deadly clear. In case we needed a reminder of how mentally incompetent he is, he posted this surreal screed today at a time when Americans are dying by his hand:
One of the reasons that Fake News has become so prevalent & far reaching is the fact that corrupt “journalists” base their stories on SOURCES that they make up in order to totally distort a narrative or story. When you see, “five sources say”, don’t believe the story, it is very often FAKE NEWS. Lamestream Media should be forced to reveal sources, very much as they did in the long ago past. If they did that, the media would be trusted again, and Fake News would largely be a thing of the past!
Not only is this horrifying, it’s also rather ironic given Donald Trump’s own behavior. This is a guy who’s been caught on tape calling up reporters and pretending to be his own publicist named “John Barron” or “John Miller,” so he could plant positive stories about himself while serving as a fake source.
Accordingly, “John Barron” started trending on Twitter after Donald Trump posted this asinine tweet. Trump couldn’t be anymore removed from reality at this point – and it’s time he’s removed from office.