Joe Biden’s uncanny timing

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I don’t know why President Biden chose today to announce he was ending his campaign. There are a lot of things that go into the timing of this kind of thing, and we’ll never get a proper answer on why he chose today, and not a week ago, or a week from now. But whether it was intentional or not, Biden’s timing is uncanny.

Just a few days ago, Donald Trump married himself to JD Vance as his running mate. This was at a time when Trump still thought he was probably going to be running against Biden, a fellow old white guy. And so Trump chose Vance for whatever reason, perhaps his youth. Or maybe donors simply chose Vance for Trump. But regardless, Trump is now stuck with Vance, a white guy who’s seen as anti-woman, on his ticket. And now it turns out Trump is running against a Black woman.

Would Trump (or his puppet masters) have chosen a different running mate if they’d known they were going to be running against Kamala Harris? Would they have gone with a woman, or a Black person? We’ll never know the answer to that question either. But we do know that because Biden announced his decision today and not a week ago, Trump is now stuck with a running mate that he picked for a different matchup entirely.

This also means that Kamala Harris gets to pick her own running mate with full knowledge of the Trump-Vance ticket she’ll be running against. We don’t know what factors will go into her decision making. But it’s always better to have this kind of information about the opponent in hand when making such decisions.

And so President Biden’s final big act has turned out to be a remarkably savvy one indeed. His timing was, simply put, perfect. Donate to Palmer Report via PayPal or GoFundMe.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can