Joe Biden hits it out of the park with amazingly Presidential speech

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The media is still stubbornly and negligently refusing to call the election for Joe Biden, even though the math makes it abundantly clear that he’ll win and that it won’t be particularly close. But with the media not doing its job, Biden decided to go ahead and start doing his job tonight.

Joe Biden stepped to the podium moments ago and gave a speech which sounded – to put it simply – presidential. Biden made a point of respecting the fact that the media hasn’t quite called the election yet, but he also stated emphatically that he’s going to win. He also made clear that he expects to win more than 300 electoral votes.

But mainly, Joe Biden sounded like an American leader. He insisted that he wants to bring the nation together and be a leader for all Americans. Whether that’s possible or not, you want a President who’s at least willing and eager to try.

After what we’ve gotten accustomed to hearing over the past four years, it was almost jarring tonight to hear the President of the United States sound like a reasonable adult. The election will surely be called for Joe Biden either very late tonight or tomorrow. The next time we hear from Biden, he’ll be President-elect.

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