Joe Biden has had enough of the media’s crap

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

All too often, we have this notion of reporters – largely based on fictional works like All the President’s Men or House of Cards – that they’re the good guys taking down corruption with hard-hitting questions and that justice will prevail. They’ll hit the Republicans with tough questions and blow the lid on an embarrassing scandal, and they’ll show how beneficial Democratic policies are to the everyday American and truth will win out. Unfortunately, while there are a number of journalists out there looking to do good things and while our policies do improve many peoples’ lives for the better, the rest is a narrative that we can’t really rely on.

Reporters don’t get to run with everything that they say, and they’re often limited on what questions they can ask, which is why their questions all too often give legitimacy to right-wing talking points that benefit the bottom line of their producers, rather than everyday Americans. That’s why we’re seeing them play into so much of the Republican rhetoric. Fortunately, President Biden has been around long enough to see right through it. We saw him shoot down their nonsense on the campaign trail back in 2020 and we saw it this week with him refusing to let Peter Doocy get a word in – and today he managed to shut it down while appearing at a rally with John Fetterman.

Asked why he isn’t appearing with more candidates on the campaign trail – he reminded them that he’s appeared with 15 so far – and when asked if he was favoring abortion with no restrictions – he said no – while insisting that reporters pushing this nonsense go back and read what Roe v. Wade decided in the first place. This is important because while he not only destroyed their talking point, he gave Democrats running a workable answer for them to use on the campaign trail, while forcing reporters to formulate more substantial questions if they want access. This is why how we message is so important – and I’m talking about us the voters. It’s time to get behind any Democratic candidate in a tight race and do what you can to help so we win on Nov 8.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,983 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer