Jim Jordan holds desperate press conference as his Speaker bid unravels

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Jim Jordan is still technically in the race for Speaker of the House, in much the same way that I’m still technically eligible to play in the NFL. Neither one of us is qualified, and the moment has long ago passed. The difference is that Jordan still thinks he’s going to become Speaker.

To that end, Jim Jordan has announced that he’s holding a press conference at 8am eastern time tomorrow, ahead of an apparent third round of Speaker voting at 10am eastern time. In the midst of this announcement, Jordan’s people are stressing that he’s not dropping out.

You know things are bad when you announce a press conference and everyone’s first thought is “oh he’s dropping out” and then you have to have your people explain that no, you’re not dropping out, you’re holding the press conference to try to convince everyone why you shouldn’t have to drop out.

So this, whatever it ends up being, will be a doozy. Also, who calls an 8am press conference? No one is paying attention that early. This is so beyond bizarre. Then again everything about Jim Jordan is beyond bizarre.

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