Jerome Corsi rejects Trump-Russia plea deal, gives something away about Robert Mueller’s next move

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Just hours after Jerome Corsi confirmed to the media over the holiday weekend that he was negotiating a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Palmer Report pointed out that something appeared to have gone wrong. Corsi was tweeting and retweeting one ugly rant about Mueller after another, which is not plea deal behavior. Sure enough, Corsi now says he doesn’t want a plea deal – but he just gave something away in the process.

This morning, Jerome Corsi told NBC News that Robert Mueller had offered him a plea deal “on one count of perjury, related to WikiLeaks and Assange.” He then said that he’s refusing the deal, and that he’d “rather sit in prison and rot for as long as these thugs want me to.” It’s not clear if Corsi has actually decided not to flip, or if he’s just milking this to fire up his supporters before eventually flipping, as some other Trump-Russia players have done. But the upshot is what he just gave away here.

Whenever Robert Mueller has cut a plea deal with a Trump-Russia player, he’s made a point of having them plead guilty to a specific reduced charge that telegraphs his next move. For instance, he had Michael Flynn plead guilty to lying about his communications with the Russian Ambassador, thus establishing collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Then he had Rick Gates plead guilty to a charge which helped establish Paul Manafort’s guilt, and so on.

Now we know that Robert Mueller is specifically trying to get Jerome Corsi to plead guilty with regard to his communications with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange. That can’t be a coincidence, considering that Mueller’s allies “accidentally” revealed last week that Assange had already been charged, and that Ecuador is preparing to turn Assange over to the UK government, which has an extradition treaty with the United States.

It looks like Robert Mueller just (purposely) telegraphed that he’s about to bust Julian Assange – and, ostensibly, Roger Stone along with him. This isn’t a shock, but it’s an important confirmation nonetheless. Jerome Corsi can take the plea deal or not take it. Either way, Mueller is about to make big moves.

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