The real reason Jerome Corsi just threw Roger Stone under the bus

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One of the unanswered questions surrounding Roger Stone’s arrest is why Special Counsel Robert Mueller didn’t bother to bust Stone’s associate Jerome Corsi first. According to Corsi, Mueller’s team waved a draft indictment for perjury in his face and threatened to arrest him if he didn’t cut a formal plea deal. Now a new interview from Corsi may have revealed why Mueller didn’t arrest him.

Jerome Corsi has already used various cable news appearances to allege that he helped Roger Stone plot a dishonest defense, which Stone then used under oath while testifying before Congress. Now that Stone has been arrested, Corsi appeared on the Ari Melber show on MSNBC on Monday and made further accusations. Corsi is now claiming that Stone told him the Access Hollywood tape was about to be released, and that they needed to get WikiLeaks to publicly release some DNC emails in order to distract from it. This raises a number of questions.

Let’s assume for the moment that Corsi, a frequent liar, is telling the truth here. First, it would mean that Roger Stone somehow knew the Access Hollywood tape was about to be released, which would raise questions about who tipped Stone off. Second, this would mean that Stone’s relationship with WikiLeaks was such that he believed he could convince the cyberterrorist group to release dirt on command.

But the big story here is that, based on this latest interview, Jerome Corsi is clearly willing to help Robert Mueller convict Roger Stone. There is little doubt that Corsi has already told the grand jury what he just said publicly. Perhaps Mueller hasn’t bothered to arrest Corsi yet because he believes Corsi is more likely to be a cooperating witness at Stone’s trial if he hasn’t been arrested. In any case, the Stone-Corsi storyline is just getting started. And there’s no reason to believe Corsi won’t be arrested in the end, unless he cuts a formal deal.

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