Jenna Ellis just flipped

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Yesterday the news broke that one of the defendants had flipped in the Arizona criminal case into the attempted overthrow of the 2020 election. Earlier today I asked aloud whether this meant that Donald Trump himself was finally going to end up getting indicted in Arizona. After all, the key to being able to indict the crime boss is often a matter of flipping an underling.

Now it turns out the person who flipped is none other than former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis (if you’re having deja vu, she previously flipped in Georgia too). This is a big deal. This means that the cooperator isn’t some low level no-name who might not have even had direct contact with Trump. Instead the cooperator is a close ally of Trump who was working at his instruction.

It’s also notable that the Arizona AG has dropped the charges against Ellis entirely, in exchange for her cooperation. In general, the more valuable of a cooperator you are, the more leniency you get. You can’t get any more leniency than a free pass. Ellis’ extremely lenient deal makes it sound even more like the Arizona AG might be planning to use Ellis’ cooperation in order to indict Trump. Stay tuned.

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