Jen Psaki slam dunks Peter Doocy yet again

Oftentimes, we speak so much about what’s bad in politics that it is easy to forget what’s good. And there is a lot of good. There is activism. There are good, honest politicians who want to do right by the American people. And there is Jen Psaki.
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is an utter delight. And she is a breath of fresh air after the lying sycophants we saw in this role during the Trump years.
Also interesting to watch is Psaki’s ongoing face off with Fox correspondent Peter Doocy. Doocy’s been chomping at the bit to throw Psaki off her game for a long time now, but it has never worked — likely because Psaki is smarter than him.
Psaki routinely wipes the floor with Doocy whenever he attempts to wipe the floor with her, which has amused many. And it happened again this very week. Trying to get Psaki flustered, Doocy asked her about mask mandates and why the White House does not feel the need to always wear masks.
He wanted to know Psaki’s thoughts on why the White House feels this way while they still favor masks being worn on planes. Of course, we know what he was trying to do. Throw her off-balance. Sigh. Need I say it did not work?
Smiling that impish, mischievous smile, Psaki gave him a take-down that was one for the ages.
“Well, Peter, I’m not a doctor, and you’re not a doctor that I’m aware of,” Jen said innocently.
“If you’re a doctor,” she continued, “I wasn’t aware of that until today.”
Doocy admitted that he was not, in fact, a doctor.
“OK, well, not a doctor. Just making sure.” Jen replied.
It was then that Doocy’s take-down spread to include an extra participant — another reporter.
“Or do you play one on TV?’ quipped this reporter.
Psaki answered.
“Nor does he play one on TV,” said Psaki.
“Most days.”
Ouch! So the moral of this story? Don’t mess with our incredible Press Secretary. She’s a ray of sunshine. But she also comes equipped with a stinger, reserved mostly for moronic Fox sycophants like Doocy who seem to love getting humiliated by her — again and again and again.