Something big is about to happen with Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump

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Ever since Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Trump-Russia investigation more than a year ago, we’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sessions committed perjury when he lied to the Senate under oath about his own Russia meetings, meaning Special Counsel Robert Mueller could arrest him at any time, but doing so could set up a strange scenario making it easier for Trump to fire Mueller. So we’ve been waiting to see how, and when, Sessions’ role in the scandal would finally come home to roost. It looks like we’re arriving there.

This evening the New York Times published a story recapping the various ways in which Donald Trump has angrily ranted and raved over the past year about Sessions’ recusal. The story does include some new inside details, but for the most part it’s nothing new. However, it’s being positioned as a major breaking story. We’ve seen this before, and we know what it means.

Major news outlets, particularly newspapers, like to publish lengthy recaps of this type when they’ve become aware that a dormant player like Jeff Sessions is about to be thrust back into the center of the scandal. What exactly is coming? We don’t know for sure. But the Times article keeps asserting that Sessions is a key “witness” against Trump, even though nothing in the article suggests that Sessions has actually testified against Trump or anyone else.

If we had to guess, the most likely scenario is that a competing journalist or newspaper is in the process of breaking a story about Jeff Sessions having testified against Donald Trump, or having been subpoenaed to do so, or having cut a plea deal with Mueller, or some other similar scenario. The bottom line is we don’t know what this means. But we’ve seen major newspapers do this enough times to know that it means something Sessions-related is about to happen.

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