Jeff Sessions just keeps making Donald Trump’s life worse

After Donald Trump finishes using someone and destroying them in the process, he discards them – and expects them to go away quietly. But Trump’s first Attorney General Jeff Sessions just doesn’t know when to quit. He already lost his Senate seat and destroyed his reputation by doing Trump’s bidding. Sessions is a monster and he deserves what he got. But now Sessions just won’t leave Trump alone.
After Donald Trump endorsed Jeff Sessions’ Republican primary opponent on Friday, and attacked Sessions’ reputation in the process, Sessions fired back in awkward fashion. Then Trump told off Sessions on Saturday. But then on Saturday night, Sessions fired back with this:
“I will never apologize for following the law and serving faithfully and with honor. Neither of us knew about the phony investigation into our campaign until after I was sworn in. As you will recall, I recommended firing Comey from the very beginning.”
Donald Trump is playing a really stupid game by taking Jeff Sessions’ bait and continuing this feud. Even though Sessions keeps calling the Mueller probe “phony,” the feud is serving as a reminder to everyone that Trump committed treason by plotting with Russia to rig the 2016 election in his favor. But as rightful winner Hillary Clinton once reminded us, Trump is someone who can be baited with a tweet.