JD Vance takes it on the chin

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JD Vance is the worst Vice President this country has ever seen. First off, the man has slid into irrelevancy. Nobody is thinking much about JD these days, except to loudly boo him whenever he goes. And these boos—from the Kennedy Center to Vermont ski lodges—APPARENTLY are bothering the little pipsqueak an awful lot.

I say this because Vance lashed out at people who protested him, mockingly pretending that they do not have jobs, and aren’t gainfully employed. Vance was appearing in Michigan. You know, MICHIGAN, a swing state, a state that is making their withering contempt for the Hillbilly idiot readily apparent by protesting him.

Yeppers. Vance got booed AGAIN. It’s like watching the same film on rerun, except the location constantly changes. Where will Vance be today? Whom will he be with? Because the audience watching KNOWS that wherever he is, and whatever he is doing, there will be a chorus in his pursuit — a chorus that is louder and prouder than any J-6TH criminal chorus. And this chorus has only one thing to sing, which is the song of intense dislike for the irrelevant VP.

So yes, in Michigan, the protesters duly did their thing, but Vance just couldn’t take it anymore, it seems. The boos and laughs got to him, causing a short circuit in his brain that he perhaps caught from his senile handler, Donald J. Trump causing Vance to whirl toward the protesters and sing out:”Don’t you all have jobs?”

Is this what they mean, when they say “he lost his shit?” Making things worse for the hillbilly helium is the fact that many of the protesters were elderly people protesting social security cuts;

Never let it be said that Yale University doesn’t occasionally get a dud. They certainly did with THIS human mess, which became more and more irksome with each passing moment. And really, Vance is a fine one to talk! Vance has rarely held a job that Peter Thiel did not get for him. He, perhaps, early on, found his own jobs, but not lately.

The only reason he was able to even compete in the Ohio senatorial race was because of Thiel’s money. And then, when he DID compete, he showed people what a truly lazy campaign looked like. Even now, Vance does not seem to DO much. yes? Does anyone other than the protestors remember he even exists these days? Somehow, I doubt it.

Dear Palmer Report readers: We need to raise $2045 to keep fighting against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50