JD Vance just got clobbered

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It was SUPPOSED to be a debate. Only it really was not. It was more like a thrashing by Ohio Senatorial candidate Tim Ryan. The hapless recipient of the thrashing was hypocritical hillbilly and Trump ass-kisser JD Vance. Only the other evening, it was more like “JD Can’t.”

JD underestimated Tim Ryan — to his detriment. As the willing fly (Vance) entered Ryan’s web, Ryan proceeded to clobber him. It was a total and complete obliteration. It was the unraveling of the hillbilly Hypocrite.

Ryan, who might be the best debater I’ve ever seen, hit Vance on everything. A few examples: “You know what I haven’t done? I didn’t start a fake non-profit pretending I was going to help people with addiction like JD Vance did.”

Wow. But it gets better. Vance, who likes to take whatever position he thinks is popular at the moment, tried unsuccessfully to get in even one punch at Ryan. It did not work.

Ryan called out Vance for his (Vance’s) false claims about being pro-Police. Ryan described the horrible pain the police went through on January 6. Then he struck: “JD Vance raised money for the legal defense fund of the insurrectionists.”

It’s true. He did. “Don’t even try to deny it,” Ryan said calmly. “We got your Twitter posts. Everybody’s seen it. The one guy he tried to raise money for got four years.”

Vance just stood there looking like the forlorn sheep he is. But I’ve saved the best for last: “Donald Trump said to JD Vance, all you do is kiss my ass to get my support. I don’t know anybody I went to high school with that would allow somebody to take their dignity like that.”

Vance looked like he was in shock. Twitter went crazy, and the moment — went viral. It was the complete collapse of the hillbilly hypocrite. And in the best line of the night? Tim Ryan said this: “I don’t kiss anyone’s ass. Ohio needs an ass-kicker, not an ass-kisser.”

Bravo! Tim Ryan’s debate with Vance should be required viewing for ANY potential candidate. Ryan was quiet, eerily calm — and hit the mark time after time. I expect his funding to be off the roof. I donated after the debate. Won’t you do so as well if you can? Let’s get Ryan past the finish line.

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