JD Vance is with the stalkers

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“As many as 7.5 million people experience cyberstalking each year.” 69% of stalking victims experience “substantial emotional distress.” “67% of stalking victims know their stalker.” These are the 2024 statistics. Many stalkers become violent at some point. “As many as 41 %of undergraduate students have been cyber-stalked.” JD Vance, the republican VP Nominee for Vice President, wants these people to have the right to own weapons.

This is not a joke. Mr. Vance even said so himself on Tuesday. Vance spoke about this issue at a press conference in Kenosha, Wisconsin. His words came in response to a question asking his thoughts on the issue. The question was about restricting firearms for stalkers.

Vance explained that, though he doesn’t favor stalkers CONVICTED of actual stalking being forbidden to own guns, those potential stalkers who have not yet received guilty verdicts should still be allowed to carry.

“What a lot of us who are pro-second Amendment, we don’t want is, you know, we don’t want someone to have their gun rights taken away when they they haven’t actually been to court of law.”

“Certainly people who are CONVICTED of a crime they should not be able to carry a firearm.”

“But people who have not gone through due process still have their rights,” he said fervently.

“Have their rights?” Have their rights? Screw YOU, Mr. Vance. Yes, all of those stalkers who have not yet gone to trial—give em all back their guns! Because, of course, all women are to Vance is inconvenient; all they are is miserable, especially the childless cat ladies, of course.

Vance shows more concern about the stalker than he does about the victim. EVEN THE EXTREME COURT didn’t go this far! Even THEY prohibited those under restraining orders to have the right to a weapon. I suppose Vance would want to change that.

I ALWAYS try to be as diplomatic as possible when writing a political articles. Vance is the darkness of the midnight hour obscuring the sun. He is ODIOUS. He is perhaps the best example of a walking (talking?) privileged incel. He is a piece, my friends — a piece of human GARBAGE, and that’s putting it most kindly.

ALERT: Palmer Report has led the way in political analysis for years. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. We've launched a GoFundMe so you can help us to help you. Help Palmer Report fight and win political battles by donating any amount from $5 to $500, depending on your budget. Donate here.