Donald Trump’s stooge Jason Miller just gave something away

Donald Trump campaign adviser Jason Miller appeared on live national television this morning and announced that Trump is planning to declare victory on election night based on partial vote counts, and then ask the courts not to count any more votes. This is freaking a lot of people out. But here’s the thing.
We already knew this was the strategy. When you’re going to lose by ten points, it’s the only shot you have left. But now is a reminder that Jason Miller is an all time screw up who lasted two days in the Trump administration before resigning amid scandal. Then he went to work for CNN, only to resign amid scandal again. Now he’s back with Trump because, well, no one more competent wants the job.
Miller just stupidly gave away Trump’s strategy in advance, thus weakening it. First rule of a secret evil plan is you don’t go on TV in advance and spell out your secret evil plan. He just told Biden’s lawyers how and where to counter. He also opened the door for Biden to make a bad faith intent argument in court. If Miller is in charge of Trump’s election night messaging, that’s a good thing for us.