Jasmine Crockett is absolutely right

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Jasmine Crockett believes MTG’s attack on her was racist. Crockett has read comments on her hair, lashes, and nails from the MAGA contingent, which she said is their way of calling her “ghetto.” Crockett is acutely aware of what it means to be a Black woman, and she bows to no one. She graduated from Rhodes College and finished law school at the University of Houston. As an attorney, her practice focused on civil rights issues, including handling cases for Black Lives Matters activists pro bono. Crockett represents a diverse district in Texas, and that representation is reflected in the bills in which she is involved, including agriculture, emergency assistance for substance abuse, and the Abortion Care Awareness Act of 2024, which she sponsored.

Black people have had to fight for every right in America, and Crockett is no different. Crass comments about anything related to Blacks will not pass by her quietly. According to the Hill, Crockett appeared on MSNBC with Katie Phang, who asked whether she had any messages for Greene, Crockett said: “Don’t come for me. That is all I need to tell her. Don’t come for me with it.” Crockett wants everyone to know that she’s in Congress for one reason-to represent her constituency. She has no time or use for bullshit in Congress, and she’s not going to suffer it quietly.

Eddie Glaude, Princeton professor and MSNBC political analyst, was asked for his “remedy” for MTG’s behavior. Vote her out. One might think that would be simple since she has done nothing, but MAGA voters love the controversy, insults, and anything of a racial nature. Glaude said that it “was a deliberate effort on her part” and that “sometimes, the bully has to be smacked in the mouth.” At the same time, Glaude believes MTG’s behavior is part and parcel of the crisis occurring in the House. Glaude said that the event put a “spotlight” on what it is like to be a woman of color in this House and pointed out that it’s not just the women, but the men have gone so far as to challenge each other to fights. “This from leaders in this, the least productive house in history.” Glaude said.”

Crockett appeared with Charles Coleman, Jr., who was sitting in for Ari Velshi, and she said: “… This is yet another example of when it comes down to seeking justice for someone that looks like me . . . The idea that I’m just supposed to sit there and pretend I’m on the plantation and that we are not both duly elected members of Congress and I’m just supposed to take it. I did not lodge back with a personal attack against her. I asked for clarification and a hit dog hollered.” I have no problem with what Crockett did or said. In fact, I applaud her for not cowering in front of a bully, and that’s all MTG is-a bully. We all know the best way to stand up to a bully is to hit back.

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