Jared Kushner gets slam dunked

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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The cliché “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” has proven accurate more times than not with Donald Trump’s family. When it comes to Jared Kushner, the apple-in-law is the same. A few days ago, several outlets reported on Kushner’s tone-deaf remarks about NBA players boycotting games. Kushner had the nerve to say that NBA players “have the luxury of taking a night off from work, most Americans don’t. I’d like to see them start moving into concrete solutions that are productive.”

This comment is laughable, especially considering that Kushner has no idea what most Americans do or have. Just like his hopelessly ignorant father-in-law, he could not be bothered to do a bit of research prior to saying something so stupid and useless.

Kushner continued to talk about things of which he knows nothing, referring to LeBron James’s I Promise school as a “charter school.” As the Washington Post reported, I Promise is a public school in James’ hometown of Akron, Ohio. To save Kushner further embarrassment, USA Today posted a screenshot of Twitter users who contradicted Kushner with knowledge about James’ community-focused accomplishments. In addition to I Promise, James and other NBA players have formed More Than a Vote, an organization that fights voter suppression, and he has also teamed with other players to launch a multimillion-dollar effort to recruit poll workers. Perhaps what Kushner does not like is that they are helping people to vote, especially minority people. While LeBron James has thus far ignored Kushner — as well he should — an assistant coach for the Milwaukee Bucks has spoken out and calls Kushner “ignorant” about NBA activism.

According to Politico, assistant coach Vin Baker had some choice words for Kushner. Baker told Politico: “There’s no sensitivity there. There’s a level of ignorance there.” Baker’s position is supported by Bucks’ senior vice president Alex Lasry, who told Politico that Kushner’s comments were “a little ironic, coming from him.” Ain’t that the truth? Kushner’s comments are indicative of his life of privilege. He has little, if any, interaction with the outside world, and as a result, he is prone to say stupid shit about which he knows nothing. His privilege leads him to believe that he knows everything, even when he is dead wrong. Steve Kerr, head coach of the Golden State Warriors, tweeted to Kushner that maybe he should tell his father-in-law to “stop being racist.” That would help.

Kushner should look in the mirror before suggesting how to solve problems. He is the second biggest failure in the White House and has accomplished absolutely nothing with which he was tasked. Perhaps that is because he was given tasks outside and above his abilities, but then, his father-in-law is way in over his head. It is no surprise, then, that he would delegate important tasks to a moron.

Kushner inherited his father’s business when he went to prison, and just like Trump, he proceeded to run it into the ground. Now, he has the “luxury” of being considered “White House adviser.” White House idiot describes him more accurately.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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