We told you Jared Kushner was going down

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This afternoon, Palmer Report said it was a big deal that new House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings was launching an investigation into Jared Kushner’s controversial security clearance, because it would prompt the media to dig in and expose the international scandals and entanglements that made it difficult for Kushner to get his clearance to begin with. We knew it was coming; we just didn’t know it was coming this soon.

This evening, NBC News reported ugly new details about how Jared Kushner failed an FBI background check, prompting top White House officials to deny him security clearance, only for their decision to be overruled by someone further up the chain. Why does this matter? Obviously, someone โ€“ whether it be Kushner himself or his father in law Donald Trump โ€“ stepped in and forced an inappropriate decision to be made.

This is a massive scandal in its own right. Whoever meddled in the process is potentially guilty of a felony, and is absolutely guilty of corruption on the highest level. You can bet we’re about to soon learn who gave the order. We also now know what’s long been widely assumed: the FBI flagged Jared Kushner as a security risk, and so did White House officials.

Even as the media keeps digging into this, we’re about to see the House Oversight Committee hold public televised hearings into why Jared Kushner was ultimately given security clearance, why he was denied in the first place, and which foreign governments he’s financially and politically loyal to. Here comes the downfall of Jared Kushner.

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