Jack Smith’s close encounter

It happened. They came face to face. Two men who could not be more different. One is a person (and I use that term loosely) who could incur the wrath of the Gods in his evil deeds. This man is, of course, Donald John Trump, who was in the Florida courtroom today, fighting to have his case thrown out (it will not be). But who else was there?
This is a person who could earn the admiration of the Gods in his unending boldness. This man is Jack Smith, and yes, on Thursday, these two men were face to face. Trump seemed scared. NBC described Trump as: “looking around the room, and with his lips pursed, eyed Special Counsel Jack Smith.”
NBC also said this about Trump: “As he got up to leave, standing and beginning to walk toward a side exit, Trump leaned on the Prosecutor’s table almost as if losing his step briefly.”
A sign? A portent of things to come? Smith was there with “infrequent glances around the room”‘ He was sitting on a bench behind other prosecuting attorneys. He spoke little. And he watched.
Jack Smith watching criminal court proceedings would give ANY criminal nightmares. Two men that are so very different. Have you noticed, my friends, that the intensity around Jack Smith seems, at times, to CRACKLE?
It’s almost like there’s an invisible wall of fire, around him with the flames reaching out and whispering to Donald Trump: “Soon. Very soon.”
Donald Trump’s stumbleโhow ironic that he had to grab hold of the PROSECUTORS table, as the prosecutors will soon grab hold of him, metaphorically speaking. I doubt this will be the last time these two men meet.
Call these meetings what you will — good vs evil, love vs hate, right vs wrong, strong vs weak. They are on a collision course with destiny to meet again. And Smith — the good, the right, and the strong is winning big.