Jack Smith just spelled out what complete idiots Donald Trump and his co-defendants are

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Donald Trump generally has no idea what’s going on these days, and he always surrounds himself with the most incompetent of people. It turns out that combination makes for some pretty stupid criminals.

Mueller She Wrote has flagged a remarkable passage from Jack Smith’s recent filing, in which Smith spells out how Trump and his co-conspirators spent months failing to figure out how to watch Mar-a-Lago’s surveillance tapes:

This is like something of out a cartoon. For all the of the endless media narratives we keep hearing about how Donald Trump is three steps ahead of everyone and has a secret evil genius plan for getting away with it all, it’s good to be periodically reminded that he is in fact simply an idiot. Trump has no idea what he’s even trying to do.

ALERT: we need to raise $5606 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.