Ivanka Trump just made the Brett Kavanaugh scandal even worse for Donald Trump

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No matter how things are playing out in the Donald Trump regime, you can always count on Ivanka Trump to jump in and try to make herself look judicious. She appears to be under the delusion that if she publicly says the right things now and then, mainstream America will respect her. Now that the Brett Kavanaugh nomination is going south by the hour tonight, Ivanka is trying to position herself on the matter. In so doing, she just made things even worse for her father.

Ivanka Trump has told Donald Trump to “cut bait” and withdraw the Brett Kavanaugh nomination, according to a new Vanity Fair report tonight. Over the past year we’ve seen enough of an information pipeline from Ivanka and Jared Kushner to Vanity Fair, we’re left with little doubt that Ivanka herself (or someone close to her) is the source here. In other words, she’s once again trying to convince the public that she’s on the right side of this. So why does it matter?

By now it’s become clear that Ivanka has no actual influence over Donald when it comes to these things. She’s not going to directly convince him to withdraw the nomination. But because it’s now out there publicly that even Trump’s own daughter thinks accused attempted rapist Kavanaugh should be withdrawn, it’ll turn the public discourse even more sharply against the Kavanaugh nomination in general.

So as bad as things already are tonight for Donald Trump and his weakening hopes of putting Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court, Ivanka Trump just managed to make them incrementally worse for him. As Palmer Report has already spelled out, Kavanaugh has a relatively short window of time to remove himself from consideration before he risks ending up in prison. It may have just gotten even shorter.

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