It’s time to have THAT conversation

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When writing articles, anything and everything can serve as a motivator. In this case, the following article was inspired by my father. I come from a family of Democrats. I inherited my love of politics from both my parents, but this article is the first one a family member has suggested to me.

Many in my family are concerned about the GOP’s attitude toward women. My father is one of these people. One day, we were speaking, and he mentioned that EVERY Biden supporter—each and every single one—should have THAT talk with all the men in their lives.

Husbands, dads, Grandfathers, brothers, cousins, uncles, sons even male friends. It is time to have “the talk.” This talk is about the attitudes of GOP MEN toward women. These attitudes are getting worse, not better.

Republicans flat-out refused the other day- most of them did — to vote to enshrine contraception rights. North Carolina has for their GOP governor’s candidate ,a man who has said he’d like to go back to a time when women did not have the right to vote. He also, just the other day, said women should “keep your skirts down” as it relates to sexual intercourse.

As time marches on, republican men are getting MORE distorted in their hate for women, not less. We know that there are good men who might be undecided. I am not speaking of Maga. I speak of moderate Republican men; I speak of independent Republican men. These voters can make or break an election. We need these voters.

Consider the men you know — NOT Maga men. But ask yourself, are any men you know on the fence? Are there any undecideds in your lives? If there are and you feel comfortable, you should talk to them. Everyone should have a conversation.

This conversation should be had around millions of fireplaces, in millions of kitchens, on porches, and in family rooms, as we explain just how deeply the GOP has tried to wound women. Tell them about these latest comments from I mentioned above.. Tell them what the GOP is trying to do with abortions.

Explain with loving emphasis, how you worry and pour out your fear that if the GOP were ever to get into power again, it could end women ‘s rights as we know them. Then, ask for their vote. Ask for it with courage and conviction. Because there are so many GOOD and DECENT men who may not know all of what the GOP is doing and would like to do. It is up to us to tell them.

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