It’s time to go after Joe Manchin

The time is now, folks. President Biden has concluded his speech on voting rights. It was a fiery and soul-stirring speech that I am confident will be described by historians as one of the best of his career.
And let us not forget about Vice President Harris, who also spoke eloquently and with grace. I could go over it point by point. It’s what I was planning to do. But I have changed my mind. I’d rather speak about what YOU can do. The time is now. Our time is illuminated, and we must add our voices and passions to propel voting rights forward.
Call Senator Joe Manchin. Speak respectfully. If you get a machine, please leave a message. Tweet him. Email him. Always be respectful.
Do YOU have a story? Were YOU ever oppressed in any way? Tell him your story. Speak with passion and strength of conviction. Tell him your story and talk to him about the fragility of our democracy and how very much we need his vote. There are others — Senator Sinema and even some Republicans like Romney and Murkowski.
But Manchin is the most important. His number in DC: (202) 224-3954
His number in Charleston, West Virginia: (203) 304-342-5855
Let him know why this is so important and how her can help. And thank him. Senator Manchin likes to be appreciated. If you do not want to call, then email him: Go to: and fill out a form. Our democracy is a glittering and proud diamond that stands resplendent in its freedoms. This is the time to make sure it stays that way.