It’s finally official today: Steve Bannon is going to prison

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Steve Bannon got lucky when the judge in his federal criminal trial allowed him to delay his prison sentence while appealing the verdict. If he’d drawn the same trial judge as his pal Peter Navarro, Bannon would have gone to prison already. But Bannon’s luck ran out when the appeals court ruled against him. There were still a few formalities left to play out after that, but as of today those are all officially by the wayside.

Today the U.S. Supreme Court rejected Bannon’s last minute appeal. This isn’t surprising. Even this Supreme Court wasn’t going to stick its neck out for a self defeating clown like Bannon. This means that Bannon will indeed have to report to prison at the start of next week. Failure to do so would make him a fugitive and would merely result in a longer prison sentence once the Marshals hunted him down.

So now Steve Bannon has managed to pull off the ultimate in stupidity. If he’d simply done his four month prison sentence back when he was supposed to, he’d be a free man by now. Instead Bannon is now going to prison for most of the 2024 election cycle, which is a huge lost opportunity for him. Bannon is also now set to be in federal prison while he’s on state level criminal trial in New York in September, which comes with its own complications for him.

If Bannon is convicted in his New York trial he’s looking at a multi-year prison sentence. When you’re given that long of a sentence, judges don’t let you remain out of prison while appealing the verdict. So Bannon is going away for a long time, in state prison no less. His current four month sentence at Club Fed is just a warm up act. But today is a reminder that delay tactics are finite. Once you run out of them, you go to prison. That includes Donald Trump.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: