It’s been NINE YEARS

I’ve been doing political analysis for nine years now. It simultaneously feels like an instant and a lifetime. I still remember the day I decided to go into this line of work. It was the summer of 2015. I was flipping back and forth between MSNBC and CNN, and they were both spinning up a recklessly fictional version of the upcoming 2016 presidential election. I remember thinking that these clowns on TV were so eager to chase ratings, they were going to get the wrong person elected, and they were going to get us all killed.

That’s right, I specifically went into this line of work in order to push back against the villainy that the political media was carrying out back then. What blows my mind is that here we are, nine years later, and the political media is carrying out an even more cartoonish level of villainy. They’re no longer content to use lies and misleading narratives to try to destroy a candidate. They’re now using lies and misleading narratives to try to destroy a sitting President.

Has it occurred to any of these cretins in the media that if they succeed in making President Biden as weak as they want to make him, it could make the United States vulnerable to outside attack between now and the election? More to the point, have these media cretins thought about what life would be like for them if Trump wins? Are the folks at MSNBC, CNN, the Washington Post, or the New York Times really so delusional as to believe that they’d thrive under a Trump aristocracy? They’d be in prison. It’s hard to milk Trump for ratings when Trump has you locked in a cage.

It just blows my mind that after I’ve spent nine years fighting against the political media’s villainy, they’re somehow even more aggressively dishonest now than ever. I’ve never been under the illusion that I alone could change the nature of the industry. But I never thought the political media would get even worse than it was back in 2015 and 2016, if only because I didn’t think that such a thing was even possible. But they’ve found a way.

The saving grace for me is that over the years I’ve seen so many of you become wise to the media’s antics. Back in 2015, I felt like I was the only one who saw it coming. I felt like I was screaming into the abyss, and by the time anyone was listening, the media had already teed up the 2016 election such that the Comey letter was able to finish it off. But things are different now. So many of you are now so savvy, you see the games that the media is playing in real time. You don’t fall for it. You fight back. You understand that when the media fails us, you are the messaging.

And that’s frankly what gets me out of bed and in front of my computer each morning. It’s not because I enjoy dealing with this slop pile called politics. It’s because so many of you are fighting alongside me. We’re going to win this, and it’ll be because of you. Some of you have told me over the years that I keep you sane. You should know that you also keep me sane, because you’re what’s made these nine years worthwhile. Now let’s go win this.

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