It’s a joke at this point

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At this point in the political game, the only person not laughing at Donald Trump is Donald Trump. I include Republicans. They might not show it to you. They might put on their: “I love Trump” outraged faces on Fox, but rest assured, they know what a pitiful pile of spit he is and how awful he did it at the debate. Things are also going quite well for Kamala in the Polls. She has been ahead in virtually every Poll I’ve looked at since the debate.

Sometimes she’s ahead by five, sometimes she’s ahead by three but make no mistake. She is ahead and it’s driving Donald Trump crazy. So what do you suppose is Donald Trump‘s next move? What will Republicans do?

My own personal feeling? I don’t think they’ll be another debate. I think Donald Trump will eventually agree to one but only if said debate is on Fox or perhaps Newsmax. Kamala will never do that. She shouldn’t and Donald Trump will never go on any normal broadcast because he’s terrified of Harris.

As the weeks go on, I am virtually certain that trumps rhetoric will get even more Looney Tunes. Now, I don’t know what he will say. I have no way of knowing that but if you watch him closely(not a fun activity I realize) , you’ll see something stark and telltale.

Every week every single week he gets worse. There are no exceptions to that rule. My friends, even Lindsey Graham called him out on his debate performance. Lindsey Graham! What is happening with the Republican party? Have they all suddenly developed brains?

I wouldn’t go THAT’s simple really. Nobody couldn’t watch that performance and say with a straight face that Trump won. The only people saying that are liars and they probably know they’re lying, but they are just in the tank for Donald Trump.

So no, I don’t expect another debate. What I do expect is lots more wacky statements from his royal failure. Perhaps he will start talking about Spot and how he likes to run and how he (Trump) and his friend Hannibal walk Spot every single day and watch him run. Don’t rule it out. With Trump anything is possible.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.