It feels like things are finally turning a corner for Joe Biden in 2024
The mainstream media (on both sides) gave President Joe Biden a grace period of about six months before it decided to try to destroy him. The reasoning was simple: the media wanted to start hyping the idea that Trump would retake power in 2024 in order to scare people into staying tuned in, and the easiest way to do that was to portray Biden as a failed and unpopular President.
To that end we’ve had to endure two and a half years of the media flat out lying about what Biden’s poll numbers even say, flat out lying about the state of the economy, and so on. The actual polling averages have said all along that Biden was fairly popular. And the economic indicators have said all along that Biden has been managing to pull out of Trump’s economic failures. But with the (entire) media constantly talking about how Biden is super unpopular and the economy is a disaster, most people out there – even if they like Biden – have believed he’s been failing.
But something is changing of late. Polling isn’t worth much this early on. But over the past month or two, Biden has been seeing increasingly positive polling numbers in key swing states – to the point that the media has had to start backing off from pretending that Biden is way behind. And while economic indicators have always been strong under Biden, consumer confidence numbers are now very strong as well. This means that the public now thinks the economy is good.
If you’re the President and you’re trying to get reelected, you want to be seen as popular (which can become a self fulfilling prophecy), and you want to be seen as having a strong economy (which appeals to “if it isn’t broke don’t fix it” voters). Joe Biden is going into this election year heading in the right direction in both these categories.
This comes even as Joe Biden’s presumptive opponent is increasingly seen as senile, a criminal, and headed for prison. Elections don’t win themselves, and there’s going to be a lot of work to be done no matter how things shape up. But Biden is finding his way into the kind of position that you’d want him to be in, at just the right time.
Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report