Is this shaping up to be a Hollywood ending?

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

Probably one of the biggest mistakes Trump made in his entire campaign is when he allowed a comedian to denigrate Puerto Ricans. No, he wasn’t operating off a script written by Trump, but Trump’s team vetted him, including looking at what was part of his show. They nixed one thing he was going to say, but for some reason, they allowed the crap about Puerto Rico to stand. They then tried to downplay the comment, claiming that it doesn’t reflect Trump’s values or those of the campaign. If they had the opportunity to forbid the unfunny joke, why didn’t they do that? Because it does reflect Trump’s values (or lack thereof). He shows disdain for all immigrants unless they are white—like two of his wives and Elon Musk. You cannot help but wonder about Musk, who came from one of the most racist places in the world, South Africa.

Throughout this race, Kamala Harris has served as the antheses of Trump. Even as pollsters and betting sites try to keep everyone tuned in by giving their thoughts on who will win, Kamala Harris has remained the same: upbeat, joyous, and optimistic. In a recent interview, Harris said: “What I’m enjoying the most about this moment is that in spite of how my opponent spends full time trying to divide the American people, what I’m seeing is people coming together under one roof who seemingly have nothing in common, and know they have everything in common. And I think that is in the best interest of the strength of our nation.” Kamala Harris has given us hope—hope for a bright future and hope that what Martin Luther King, Jr. said all those ago, that we will be judged by the content of our character and not by the color of our skin, will someday come to pass. If Donald Trump wins, we will continue to be judged unfairly.

When will this nonsense end? When we put an end to people like Donald Trump. They may have money, but they don’t have the right to treat others poorly. That treatment is way more un-American than anything Black or brown people have done other than being Black or brown. As Kamala Harris frequently says, we have more in common than anything that separates us, and we want to see that trait in our leaders. That negates any type of leadership role for Donald Trump, as he thinks he is better than everyone. You may have more money, but you’re no better. You put your pants on the same as me: one leg at a time.

We need to remember that we are all one family. Each family member brings something unique and useful to the table. If you can’t get past that family member’s color or sexual orientation, you lose the unique gifts they bring. Kamala Harris wants to unite this country, and that’s what most of us want as well. As J-Lo said in her Las Vegas speech, I too like Hollywood endings when the good girl wins. This country will benefit so much from the presidency of Kamala Harris. Now, let’s make that happen.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can