Donald Trump threatens to ingest dangerous untested coronavirus drug during deranged meltdown for the ages
Thus far during Donald Trump’s coronavirus press conference today, he’s cursed out the Inspector General and confessed to illegally firing him, he’s attacked Joe Biden, and he’s announced that people with lupus aren’t catching coronavirus before quickly admitting that “maybe it’s false.” But then he truly topped himself.
Hydroxychloroquine is a powerful yet dangerous drug that’s currently used to treat ailments like malaria and lupus. Some scientific studies have shown that it can be effective against coronavirus, but because of the dangers of taking it, doctors and patients have to make a decision about whether any given coronavirus case is in bad enough shape to warrant the risk.
Donald Trump keeps promoting Hydroxychloroquine as a harmless miracle cure. During his press conference today, he flat out threatened to have his doctors give him Hydroxychloroquine just to prove how safe it is, even though Trump claims he doesn’t even have coronavirus.
If Hydroxychloroquine were a proven safe treatment and Donald Trump wanted to prove to the public that they shouldn’t be afraid to take it, he’d be showing leadership by vowing to take it himself. But for Trump to stand up there and threaten to ingest a dangerous untested drug when he doesn’t even have the illness in question… he’s just shy of threatening to kill himself. He’s that mentally unstable.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report